This is a very slow game. You have multiple resources and running out of any utterly cripples you until you wait a day to get them back up. Ill get to the pay part after. Firstly, the currency youll notice are gold and gems. Like any other game, you need gold to do anything. This is the slowest game Ive ever played for earning gold, and thats the fastest resource... youd think you can ignore the gems, but the only way to get meaningful items for your heroes is with an utter mountain of these gems... 1.00 for only 10 gems in packages that start at 2$ and end at 100$. Now, like any other game, you can sheath gems in-game by doing the daily mission... except you have to about 10 of these missions and you only get 5 gems. So about every 3 weeks youll have enough to buy a tier4 item which will quickly become obsolete. The other currencies is this one potion thing that you pretty much need to craft any upgrade item in the game or to unlock any expansions. You have to pay hundreds of gold to fight enough monsters to maybe farm these things. Then there is the waiting 4-12 hours for your farms so you can restock and actually get gold slowly. This is a pathetic game... there is no story. There is no goal. There is no point to play this past level 15 unless you drop 50-100$ on gems to upgrade your heroes. Tier 5 items are 50+ gems. You then have to sacrifice items to upgrade your best, so youd be spending all resources for months just to level a shield up. Dont waste your time. This is utter nonsense.
Fami aoi about Adventure Town, v0.11.0